About Sage Fire Solutions

Sage Fire Solutions…

Sage Fire Solutions, LLC, provides fire code and fire investigation training and consulting services to make our world a safer place. We bring experienced fire investigators and code professionals to your site to help you achieve success in your project.

The Members…

Don & Margueritte Hickman share 60 years of combined fire service experience to help make our world a safer place. We have experienced many successes in our careers and have learned from our mistakes. We want to share what we’ve learned to make your projects more successful. We think out of the box to conveniently and efficiently provide fire code and fire investigation training and consulting services.

Our Customers…

Our customers include any discipline that uses fire codes or needs fire investigation services. Companies that provide services or products related to fire codes or fire investigations use our training and consulting services. Code officials, fire investigators, design professionals and the development, insurance and legal communities utilize our services.

Fire Sprinkler System

Don Hickman

Margueritte Hickman