Demystifying Fire Suppression Systems

All fire suppression systems are not alike! When the right fire suppression system is installed and maintained, they are very successful in protecting the building, contents and people. If a fire suppression system doesn’t seem to have done its job, then questions need to be asked. A fire investigation should include an evaluation of the fire suppression system and whether it responded as intended. This session will help you identify a few things to check to determine if the fire sprinkler system installed is the right one for the building contents, documents you can check or if you need to bring in an expert. Know some key minimum installation and maintenance requirements for sprinklers, hood suppression and paint booth suppression systems and how to verify that the maintenance has been completed. Review real life outcomes of successful and unsuccessful fire protection system efforts.  ICC and NFPA references will be included.

Course Materials

International Fire Code International Mechanical Code NFPA 17A

Course Content

Lessons Status